Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Liam lately

This photo was taken last week after I finished up painting his bedroom wall with this mountain backdrop. We hadn't gotten any real bedding for his new floor bed (which he's been sleeping in since last Thursday!) and I was just letting him explore the space and telling him how awesome it was that he had his own bed.

As much as Liam can, and does, drive me crazy…he is my favorite person in the whole world. I love watching him figure things out and find myself wondering what is going on in his head. He has never been the biggest talker but he definitely expresses himself. Lately his vocabulary has really started to grow. He still only says one word at a time, but what really impresses me is his ability to recognize all of the letters of the alphabet. He can say almost all the letters and if you ask him where a particular letter is, he points it out with almost any hesitation. I worry about his speech, but then again I worried about every major milestone until finally it happened (crawling, walking, eating solids)…still, i'm doing my best to focus on what he can do.

When I think about Liam, I think about him running through the house butt naked while David chases him around. I think about how he loves bubbles and would eat all of the clementines and bananas if he could. I think about how he honks my nose and giggles and how he tries to point out every letter from every sign he can find while we are driving around town.  I hear his little voice yell "HAM!" when he finds Green Eggs and Ham in his bedroom. And I love watching the biggest smile form on his face when Ponyo says "Sosuke" for the first time…every time, he can't help but smile, he loves that part. I love Liam, no matter what, and all I want is for him to be happy.


  1. Your blog photos are beautiful, and I love Liam's room design! Toddler chic, on point gurrrrrl!


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