Sunday, July 27, 2014

5 years married

Yesterday David and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary.  Here's a look back on the day I married the most amazing man I will ever know.  5 years down, the rest of our lives to go!

photography by Heather Z

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A look back at June

June was a tough month for our family.  We lost my beautiful grandmother at the end of May and I honestly cannot believe it has already been over a month since she passed.  Going through the photos on my phone brought a smile to my face and reminded me that I still have so much to be grateful for.  I picked out a few to share with you guys. So here is a look back on June.  Summer is here and we are definitely loving the warm weather! (maybe David isn't but pfft...he's just crazy pants).  I have been riding my new bike around town and I am really enjoying being out and about pulling Liam along in his "new" burley trailer. (doesn't he look so cute in his helmet!?) I have been keeping busy with eating lots of yummy desserts, watching the beautiful sunsets, family trips to the children's museum, and going crazy decorating our home.  Plus I've got a new toy!  I bought a polaroid back for my Mamiya rz67 pro ii and so far I am head over heels in love. ♥  I'll probably be sharing the polaroids on my photography blog soon.  Keep an eye out! Ok, on to the photos:

And if you haven't already, please subscribe to the blog and be sure to confirm your subscription!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Don't forget to subscribe!

Hello all! Just a friendly reminder to keep in touch by entering your email in the box above to the left and clicking enter! Once you click enter a window will pop up asking you to confirm that you want to subscribe followed by an email where you actually confirm your subscription by clicking the link provided in the message.

I'll be updating the blog with new posts every Sunday.Thank you! ♥

welcome to my new blog!

Hey guys! Glad you're here. I decided to start up a new blog because quite frankly I'm getting tired of facebook. There you go, the truth!  I dunno...It's just that every time I go on that thing I end up feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and usually a little pissed off. The only reason I'm even keeping a FB account is to keep up with my photography page and a few other pages I like. I'll just leave it at that.  But, I mean, does anyone else feel this way?

Anyway, I started this blog because I still want to share what's going on with me and my family here in Madison and besides, not everyone has a facebook. Hi Grandma Butler! I hope you're reading this! :D If you really want to keep up with what I am doing (including David, Liam, Panda and kitties!) please check back in from time to time and leave comments! I'd love to talk to you guys :)  Please be sure to add your email in the box below my profile picture to receive notifications on my latest posts.

Since I haven't seriously blogged in a really long time I figured i'd start off with a simple 52 week goal type-o-thangy.  I'll be posting 1x/week for 52 weeks (that ='s a year!) and once I've reached that goal, I'll see if I want to continue blogging.  I really do hope you enjoy this blog as much as I hope to someday love it haha.  I'm a really nice person so please keep your comments of the friendly sort or else!  Also, I don't plan on posting extremely personal things but if you want to ask a personal question I wouldn't mind trying to give you an honest answer :)

 Ok! Here it goes!

hello, pinkparakeets. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.