On September 10th 2016 David and I welcomed our sweet baby Henry into this world. I had planned a natural (med free) birth at the Madison Birth Center for Liam but had to be transferred to the hospital due to decelerations in his heartbeat. Well an epidural, pitocin, and and some forceps later, Liam was born (finally!) I felt pretty good about my laboring experience with Liam. I never felt like I was in terrible pain and more importantly I felt safe and guided by my wonderful doula and midwife the entire time. It wasn't until I became pregnant with Henry that I realized I had a lot of feelings that hadn't been addressed. Did I fail? Can my body go through natural childbirth? Was I crazy for wanting to do this again, but this time at home?? Well, I'd like to share my second labor and birth with you. Because I am not a super mom, I'm just a regular mom who decided she'd try something again. I didn't take any special classes (besides our home birth class), or hypnobirthing, or really much prep of any kind. And when I realized Henry was on his way...I was genuinely freaked out. Still, he came. He was born at home. He was surrounded by the best people and it was absolutely amazing.
**I will warn you, there are photos, and you may even see a bit of my boob *gasp!* don't worry...it's all natural ;)**