Friday, April 24, 2015

I have a 2 year old

When did this happen? Where did 2014 go? I feel like it took forever for Liam to turn 1 while turning 2 happened in a blink of an eye. So here I am, the mother of a 2 year old. I have to say, it is an exciting time. Liam is doing and saying new things almost every day. I am amazed at how much has changed in just the last month alone. I feel pretty bad that I haven't been updating the blog as much as I had hoped to but I guess I'm just not that good at keeping up with things like this.

Anyway, Liam has been talking a lot and just soaking up every bit of knowledge he can. He is more interested in his surroundings, reaching out to connect (literally grabbing my hand and leading me all over the place). Its beautiful to watch and even more spectacular to be a part of.

I know I need to get my act together with archiving all of the photos I have been taking. Does anyone else feel like they have wayyyy too many photos on their phones, like more than then know what to do with? I'm trying to make more photo books using Artifact Uprising.

Here's an example I did with all of my pregnancy photos with Liam. They are all from Instagram. I just didn't want to lose them! Plus it makes for a cute little book don't you think?

So yeah, I really need to get my photo situation together. I really have a lot coming up and I'm hoping I'll remember to share it on here. Not the biggest blog update, but it's a start :)

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